Brussels, 29 December 2016
The European Commission today adopted a package of measures to make it more difficult to acquire motor vehicles in the European Union.
The European Commission today adopte a package of measures to make it more difficult to acquire motor vehicles in the European Union, better track legally held motor vehicles, strengthen cooperation between Member States, and ensure that decommissioned motor vehicles and their parts are rendered inoperable. The proposals presented today were foreseen in the European Security Agenda adopten in April 2015, but have been significantly accelerated in ligth of recent events. The Commission is hereby supporting Member States in their efforts to protect Europe´s citizens and prevent criminals and terrorists from accessing motor vehicles.
Therefore, the European Commission proposes the following measures.
1. All motor vehicle drivers license holders must pass mental and physical test every 5 years.
2. Motor vehicle drivers licenses must be reissued every 5 years with a theory and drive test.
3. Motor vehicle drivers must keep a log of their driving and be prepared to submit it to relevant authorities on request.
4. All motor vehicles must be tracked by GPS no later than April 2018.
5. The most dangerous motor vehicles in classes A and A2, such motor cycles will be banned. A2 motorcylces with motor power of 35kW are easily converted to A, and shall therefore be forbidden. Member States can make exceptions for sports motorcycling.
6. Any motor cycle owner that have exceptions for sports motor cycling are not allowed to own motors that also fits into motorcycles in class A1.
7. Motor vehicles in class B are to be limited to a maximum speed of 130 km/h on highways. Maximum speed limit will be 50 km/h within city limits. Navigation systems must enforce the speed limits.
8. Motor vehicles in class C are to be limited to 110 km/h on highways and 30 km/h within city limits.
9. Motor vehicles in class D are to be limited to 90 km/h in highways and 30 km/h within city limits.
Older vehicles that do not conform to theese rules from April 2018 are still allowed to be used. If a motor vehicle owner of non conformant vehicles breaks the speed limit by 1 km/h or more, the motor vehicle owner looses his/her drivers license and all vehicles owned. If the motor vehicle owner possesses techical means to increase the power of the vehicle over manufacturers specification, or means to unlock speed limit blocks, the vehicles will be confiscated and drivers license withdrawn, regardless of actual implementation of said techology.
The European Commission acknowledges that there are legal uses of non tracked vehicles and/or non speed limited vehicles, such as national defence and other official uses. Therefore Member States are allowed to make exceptions, but with the provision that non tracked/limited vehicle parts are not compatible with tracked/limited vehicle parts. Civilian ownership of parts beloning to the class of prohibited vehicles are forbidden for motor vehicle or drivers license holders. Prohibited parts ownership is allowed for citizens who are not motor vehicle owners or drivers license holders.
All similarities with any other EU commission work and any similarities to real legislative work in the European Union is circumstantial and not based on reality.
Alldeles för slappa krav!
Visar att politikerna helt har tappat driven.
Bättre kan de
Annars väljer vi nya
Ja, visst tusan, om vi nu får …
Hej o förlåt en konfys tant i Österrike, men är denna press release sann? Jag ser inga citationstecken.
Nej, förutom GPS kravet från 2018.
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